Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Smattering of Yesterday's Finds

Yesterday I was able to hit a few sales. One was more of a garage sale that was promoted as an estate sale... But, I'll forgive them. The rest were pretty nice. It was a fun outing and I finally found a reason to buy bronzed baby shoes...

One little treasure was this Monetery House restaurant ware coffee cup by Mayer china. It's got a fantastic dark pink rim and a donkey image on the front. I love old restaurant ware - and for some reason (despite not liking pink in general) pink restaurant ware is appealing.

According to the woman I got it from, she used to have a whole set from the Monterey House in Houston. It was her favorite Mexican restaurant when she lived there and her friend came upon the set when the restaurant changed out the china. After a little research, I found that many people had found memories of Montery House in Houston. Some online sources said they used to put little dulce de leche type candies in the nacho baskets. Sweet. They also were known for some pretty amazing food. I've popped this one over in my Etsy shop. Like most of my treasures, it'll hang out there until it goes on to its next home.

The next little treasure that I've managed to take a picture of is this little kitty cat gum saver. Isn't he a sweetie? I'd feel a bit evil sticking gum to a kitty's belly, but he looks like he'd like it.

I'm not sure anyone actually ever saved gum. It would be economical and all that, but really... On the other hand, gum savers are cute. I've had several over the years. They are handy for holding beads, buttons, earrings, and pretty seeds. Really, anything tiny. Even bitty holiday ornaments -wee glass balls for Christmas, miniature eggs for Easter, those chalky hearts for Valentine's, etc...

Here's where he lives in my Etsy shop.

Ok, as promised, here's the much anticipated real purpose for bronzed baby shoes... Vases. I've always passed these over, despite my love for anything baby and everything old. But while photographing these, I discovered an actual, real, useful and attractive purpose for them.

Now that I have a purpose for them, I can buy them with wild abandon. I rarely find a pair a year, so it won't be all that wild, but it'll be wild-ish.

I think an assortment of bronzed baby shoes would make a lovely centerpiece at a baby shower or a couple to decorate a nursery! No, they don't hold water, so sturdy flowers are a must. Something you can change out daily, something dry, or (gasp) something fake. You could also poke a little well of some sort in there - maybe a tiny shot glass or doll sized vase that would hold water. These are verbena bonariensis from my garden.

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